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Detailed description :Pierre Mignard « le Romain »

Pierre Mignard « le Romain »

Under the direction of Jean-Claude  Boyer

Contributions by Thierry Bajou, Jean-Claude  Boyer, Sylvain  Laveissière, Édouard Pommier, Antoine Schnapper †, Donatella Sparti, Christopher Allen, Catherine Loisel-Legrand, Chiara Parisi, Giuseppe Scalia

€ 32.01 tax included

La Vie de Pierre Mignard, premier peintre du Roy by the abbot of Monville (1730) was the first book on a French painter ever published. And yet a wipe gap remains between Mignard’s enduring renown and our knowledge of his career and oeuvre. This book endeavors to shed light on various aspects of this fascinating figure. As evinced by the growing interest that scholars and art lovers from diverse backgrounds now have for the painter, it is becoming increasingly evident that Mignard holds a central position in 17th-century art.


Conférences et colloques

Technical details

318 pages, paperback with flaps, 16 x 24 cm, 125 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Proceedings of the symposium held at the Musée du Louvre on September 29, 1995.


17th century
ISBN French2-11-003770-9
French only


La Documentation française