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Detailed description :Pisanello


Under the direction of Dominique  Cordellier, Bernadette Py

Contributions by Dominique  Cordellier, Ariane  La Chapelle (de), Brigit Blass-Simmen, Miklós Boskovits, Peter Burke, Andrea De Marchi, Angela Dillon Bussi, Jill Dunkerton, Alain Duval, Tiziana Franco, Vladimir Juren, Fabrizio Lollini, Sergio Marinelli, Massimo Medica, Gianni Peretti, Francesco Rossi, Annegrit Schmitt, Serena Skerl del Conte, Luke Syson, Federica Toniolo, Stefano Tumidei, Joanna Woods-Marsden

€ 74.70 tax included

Pisanello was the most revered Italian painter of his time, and particularly dear to humanists. Five and a half centuries later, the haziness of time has added questions to the laudatory certainties of those early days. His works have been described, but still require interpreting. Based on the study of new documents on Pisanello, his work as a medalist and painter, and his relationship with illumination, these two volumes give voice to the scholars and humanists of today.


Conférences et colloques

Technical details

2 volumes: volume 1, 464 pages; volume 2, 882 pages, paperback, 16 x 24 cm, 389 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Proceedings of the symposium held at the Musée du Louvre on November 26, 27 and 28, 1996.


15th century
ISBN French2-11-004092-0
French only


La Documentation française