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Egyptian antiquities

Objets d'Égypte

Objets d'Égypte

Des rives du Nil aux bords de Seine

Collective work
The collections of the Louvre's Department of Egyptian Antiquities abound in objects that were found during the many...
L'Égypte ancienne

L'Égypte ancienne

entre mémoire et science

Assmann, Jan
In 2009, the Louvre introduced a major new program on research in art history, the Chaire du Louvre. Each year, an...

Le Mastaba d’Akhethetep

Le Mastaba d’Akhethetep

Collective work
Saqqara, the site of the Djoser pyramid, was one of Egypt’s most important centers until the Arab Conquest. The...
Les statues égyptiennes du Nouvel Empire

Les statues égyptiennes du Nouvel Empire

Statues royales et divines

Christophe Barbotin
The best-known period in Egyptian history, the New Kingdom was a period of massive territorial expansion,...