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Detailed description :La magie en Égypte

La magie en Égypte

À la recherche d’une définition

Under the direction of Yvan Koenig

Contributions by Bernard Mathieu, Alessandro Roccati, Yvan Koenig, Jocelyne Berlandini, Joris F. Borghouts, Michel Cacouros, Antoine Cavigneaux, Sara Demichelis, Sylvie Donnat, Terence DuQuesne, Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert, László Kákosy, Joachim Friedrich Quack, Robert K. Ritner, Frans A.M. Wiggermann

€ 45.00 tax included

The Ancient Egyptians’ way of thinking is characterized by the central position given to magic. Everyone, from the simple peasant to the pharaoh, used it on a daily basis. In this culture, images, whether in the form of hieroglyphs, paintings or statues, were a fully-fledged reality endowed with a genuine existence. This book takes a more intimate look at the practices and beliefs of the pharaonic era to enhance our understanding of this unique civilization.


Conférences et colloques

Technical details

440 pages, paperback with flaps, 16 x 24 cm, 120 photographs and 33 black-and-white drawings.

Publication date


Related event

Proceedings of the symposium held at the Musée du Louvre on September 29 and 30, 2000.


Pharaonic Egypt
ISBN French2-11-005267-8
French only


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