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Detailed description :Le Mastaba d’Akhethetep

Le Mastaba d’Akhethetep

Under the direction of Christiane  Ziegler

With the collaboration of Laurence Cotelle-Michel, Sophie Labbé-Toutée

Contributions by Guillemette  Andreu, Marc  Étienne, Christiane  Ziegler, Jean-Pierre Adam, Catherine Bridonneau, Guy Lecuyot, Marie-Françoise Rozières (de)

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Saqqara, the site of the Djoser pyramid, was one of Egypt’s most important centers until the Arab Conquest. The Louvre is home to several thousand works from the archaeological digs, particularly the tomb (or mastaba in Arabic) of Akhethotep, one of the most impressive vestiges of the period (around 2453-2420 BC). The first in a series of publications fully devoted to the Saqqara digs, this book takes stock of what we have learned about the mastaba since the study carried out under the direction of Christiane Ziegler in 1991.


Les fouilles du Louvre à Saqqara

Technical details

304 pages, paperback, 24.5 x 32 cm, 185 color illustrations.

Publication date



Pharaonic Egypt
ISBN French
French only


Peeters publishers