Musée du Louvre Editions

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Detailed description :L'Égypte ancienne

L'Égypte ancienne

entre mémoire et science

Author(s): Jan Assmann

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In 2009, the Louvre introduced a major new program on research in art history, the Chaire du Louvre.

Each year, an internationally renowned historian will be invited to present a new series of lectures on an original and personal theme.

The Chaire du Louvre aims to foster creativity and knowledge sharing in a thought-provoking series on works of art and their signification in present-day societies.

For the first series, Egyptologist, archaeologist and historian of religion Jan Assmann gave five lectures in the auditorium, comparing the traditional images and myths of Ancient Egypt with the scientific data culled from modern Egyptology.

The accompanying publication follows the lecture plan chapter by chapter. French translation by Laure Bernardi.



Technical details

344 pages, paperback, 14.2 x 21 cm, 32 illustrations


This books benefits from the support of Septodont laboratories.


Publication date

ISBN French
French only

