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Detailed description :Portraits funéraires de l’Égypte romaine

Portraits funéraires de l’Égypte romaine

Author(s): Marie-France  Aubert, Roberta  Cortopassi

€ 55.00 tax included

This catalogue continues on from the 2004 edition on stucco funerary masks with a presentation of funerary portraits painted on linen shrouds and wood panels, as well as those fashioned with cartonnage (layers of linen or papyrus stiffened with plaster). The Egyptian art of funerary portraiture developed throughout the Roman period (30 BC to AD 395), adopting a wide variety of styles, pictorial materials and media. Fayum portraits, panels of painted wood using the encaustic or tempera technique and inserted within the mummy wrapping, derive from Greek tradition and production.

Technical details

384 pages, paperback with flaps.

Publication date



This book won the Prix Gaston Maspéro.


Roman Egypt
ISBN French978-2-91614-201-2
French only


Éditions Khéops