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Detailed description :Domenico Beccafumi

Domenico Beccafumi

Author(s): Dominique  Cordellier

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The Sienese artist Domenico Beccafumi, Raphael's junior by a few years, was attracted to drawing from an early age. Giorgio Vasari knew him well, and recounted the story of this young shepherd who drew on stones and sand as he watched over his flocks. He was sent to train with a mediocre painter, but copied drawings by the best masters, and paintings by Pietro Perugino. Later, in Rome, he copied classical works and the paintings of Michelangelo and Raphael, becoming "masterful in drawing, fecund in invention, appealing through color." He returned to Siena, and dazzled his contemporaries with the elegance of his every line. Grazia e disegno are the key words of Beccafumi's art.


Cabinet des dessins

Technical details

84 pages, paperback with flaps, 21 x 21 cm, 40 color illustrations


This book benefits from the support of the paper manufacturer Arjowiggins.

Further information

Ouvrage accompagnant l'exposition présentée au musée du Louvre du 25 juin au 21 septembre 2009.

Publication date



16th century
ISBN French
French only