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Detailed description :Toussaint Dubreuil

Toussaint Dubreuil

Author(s): Dominique  Cordellier

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This book accompanies the first exhibition devoted to Toussaint Dubreuil, First Painter to King Henri IV, as well as consummate lutenist and passionate horseman.

Trained at Fontainebleau, Dubreuil mastered all of the significant innovations of the Mannerists in Italy (Michelangelo, Tibaldi, Passerotti) and France (Primaticcio, Nicolò dell'Abate, Antoine Caron) and achieved recognition as the uncontested master of the Second School of Fontainebleau. He found a new, eloquently clear style which in France paved the way for the Classicism of La Hyre, Vouet, and Poussin.


Cabinet des dessins

Technical details

84 pages, paperback with flaps, 21 x 21 cm, 57 illustrations

Distributed by: Volumen

This book was made possible with the support of the paper manufacturer Arjowiggins.

ISBN French978-8-87439-552-1
French only