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Detailed description :Tanagras


De l’objet de collection à l’objet archéologique

Under the direction of Violaine  Jeammet

Contributions by Anne Bouquillon, Brigitte  Bourgeois, Vassilis L. Aravantinos, John L. Bintliff, Martine Dewailly, Alexandra Harami, Néguine Mathieux, Bozˇidar Slapsˇak, Katérina Tsakalou-Tzanavari

€ 30.50 tax included

Recent archaeological discoveries combined with new technologies applied to the objects give us a better understanding of the history, function and spread of Tanagra statuettes from Antiquity, as the mythology created in the 19th century about these terracotta figurines and the systematic looting of the tombs in which they were kept had prevented us from getting objective data until now.

Technical details

192 pages, 17 x 24 cm, 106 color illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

This book is a collection of all the presentations at the international symposium held on November 22, 2003.


Ancient Greece
ISBN French
French only


Picard Éditions