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Detailed description :Chroniques des premières missions archéologiques françaises à Suse

Chroniques des premières missions archéologiques françaises à Suse

d'après les photographies et mémoires de l'architecte Maurice Pillet (1912-1913)

Author(s): Nicole Chevalier

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In the winter of 1912, the young French architect Maurice Pillet set out for Persia with the members of the Susa mission to uncover and study the palace of Darius. On this occasion, the new member of the excavation team took a series of photographs and wrote memoirs which recount not only the work and daily life of the excavators but also the various stages of their journey.

These photographic and written records provide an account of one of the most prestigious French archaeological missions (which had begun some thirty years previously); on the eve of World War I, they also offer a description of an Orient on the verge of disappearance.

This book was produced with the support of the Direction Générale de la Coopération Internationale et du Développement of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sous-Direction de l'Archéologie et des Sciences Sociales (Paris).

Technical details

320 pages

24 x 26 cm

Further information

Ce volume est réalisé avec le concours de la Direction Générale de la Coopération Internationale et du Développement du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Sous-Direction de l'Archéologie et des Sciences Sociales (Paris).

ISBN French2909961427
French only