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Detailed description :De Chypre à la Bactriane

De Chypre à la Bactriane

Les sceaux du Proche-Orient ancien

Under the direction of Annie  Caubet

Contributions by Pierre Amiet, Joan Aruz, Dominique Beyer, Dominique Collon, Françoise Demange, Donald M. Matthews, Pierre Miroschedji (de), Edgar Peltenburg, Beate Salje, Diana L. Stein, Béatrice Teissier

€ 32.01 tax included

Impressing a mark on a transaction text, a letter or a legal act is a form of signature many civilizations share, brought to perfection by Mesopotamia, and the Levant and Iran along with it. The cylinder seals used for this purpose are our main source of images of the Ancient East. The study of these miniature bas-reliefs in connection with the birth and spread of cuneiform writing is one of the main branches of archaeology.


Conférences et colloques

Technical details

328 pages, paperback with flaps, 16 x 24 cm, 180 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Proceedings of the symposium held at the Musée du Louvre on March 18, 1995.


Near eastern antiquities
ISBN French2-11-003473-4
French only


La Documentation française