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Detailed description :Faïences et matières vitreuses de l’Orient ancien

Faïences et matières vitreuses de l’Orient ancien

Under the direction of Annie  Caubet

Contributions by Anne Bouquillon, Annie  Caubet, Alexandre Kaczmarczyk, Valérie Matoïan

€ 56.00 tax included

This book presents a panorama of glass production in the Ancient Orient, based on the Louvre’s collections from the Department of Near Eastern Antiquities. Receptacles, instruments, jewelry, architectural embellishments and an incredible diversity of works were created using techniques that were probably meant to imitate precious stones. The archaeological study is based on the results of physico-chemical analyses obtained from the LRMF (Research Laboratory of the Museums of France).

Technical details

464 pages, paperback with flaps, 17 x 24 cm, 610 halftones, 50 illustrations.

Publication date



Near eastern antiquities
ISBN French
French only


Éditions Snoeck