Musée du Louvre Editions

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Detailed description :Peintures italiennes du XVIIe siècle du musée du Louvre

Peintures italiennes du XVIIe siècle du musée du Louvre

Florence, Gênes, Lombardie, Naples, Rome et Venise

Author(s): Stéphane Loire

€ 71.00 tax included

After a first volume on the Bologna school published in 1996, this book serves as a complement to the annotated catalogue of 17th-century Italian paintings at the Musée du Louvre. Following the same principles, it thus takes into account works from other artistic centers (Florence, Genoa, Lombardy, Naples, Rome and Venice). Each artwork is the focus of a comprehensive study in order to take stock of the knowledge we have on this magnificent collection.

Technical details

584 pages, hardcover, 23.6 x 29.3 cm, 570 color illustrations.

Publication date



17th century
ISBN French
French only

