Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Detailed description :Médailles russes du Louvre (1672-1855)

Médailles russes du Louvre (1672-1855)

Under the direction of Béatrice Coullaré

Foreword by Daniel Alcouffe

Contributions by Béatrice Coullaré, Daniel Alcouffe, Jean Besson, Georges Depeyrot, Jean-Luc Desnier

Preface by Henri  Loyrette

€ 70.00 tax included

The Musée du Louvre boasts a significant collection of Russian medals from Jacob Reichel’s prestigious collection in St Petersburg. One part of the book presents a summary of Russian medal art and its main contributors, while the other focuses on the technological development of workshops and the gradual adoption of Russian attributes by medalists.

Technical details

178 pages, paperback, 21 x 29.7 cm, 24 color plates.

Publication date



17th-19th centuries
ISBN French9 077 297 278
French only