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Detailed description :Qu’est-ce qu’un chef-d’œuvre ?

Qu’est-ce qu’un chef-d’œuvre ?

Under the direction of Matthias Waschek, Jean Galard

Contributions by Hans Belting, Matthias Waschek, Jean Galard, Arthur Danto, Martina Hansmann, Neil MacGregor, Werner Spies

€ 17.53 tax included

The election of certain works judged, according to criteria specific to each society, to be above others reflects changes in taste. But the long-standing high regard and fascination that some masterpieces hold can give cause to believe that they are located above fluctuating tastes at a complex level of relationships between the viewer and the work, in what appears to be an objective way.

What is the situation of this “objectivity” today? What is a masterpiece? That is the theme of this book.

Technical details

224 pages, paperback, 16 x 22 cm, 65 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Proceedings of the lectures held at the Musée du Louvre from March 16 to April 6, 1998.

ISBN French2-07-075963-6
French only

