Musée du Louvre Editions

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Trends, styles, techniques

Hybrides chinois

Hybrides chinois

la quête de tous les possibles

Danielle Elisseeff
Le Jardin comme labyrinthe du monde

Le Jardin comme labyrinthe du monde

Permanence et métamorphoses d’un imaginaire de la...

Collective work
With Glacial Period, a fun, free vision in the form of an illustrated fable on culture, set in one of the world’s...


L’Art américain

L’Art américain

Identités d’une nation

Collective work
This book is a collection of different viewpoints on the works, civilization and destiny of the United States, with an...
Rinceaux et figures

Rinceaux et figures

L’ornement en France au XVIIe siècle

Collective work
Initially considered as the very substance of artistic form and beauty, ornamentation, over the course of the 17th...



Terres cuites islamiques

Collective work
Susa has been an important site of ancient Mesopotamia for thousands of years. Excavated in the second half of the 19th...
Le monde des cathédrales

Le monde des cathédrales

Collective work
Cathedrals have always rallied the interest of researchers and fascinated the general public, often being the very...

Les vases en pierres dures

Les vases en pierres dures

Collective work
Large collections of hardstone vases are rare. The one housed at the Louvre, known as the “gemmes de la...
De la puissance de l’image

De la puissance de l’image

Les artistes du Nord face à la Réforme

Collective work
On 28 January 1522, the first decisive tract on the Protestant position with respect to images was published in...