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Trends, styles, techniques

L’Âge d’or du nocturne

L’Âge d’or du nocturne

Collective work
Some subjects call for night: it appears in Nativity Scenes, in many paintings from the late Middle Ages, it...
1648. Paix de Westphalie

1648. Paix de Westphalie

L’art entre la guerre et la paix

Collective work
There has been no absence of commentary by historians on the repercussions of the Thirty Years War and the consequences...

La Jérusalem délivrée du Tasse

La Jérusalem délivrée du Tasse

Poésie, peinture, musique, ballet

Collective work
With its multiple editions, numerous musical adaptations, translations into all European languages, re-writings and the...
L’Œuvre de Limoges

L’Œuvre de Limoges

Art et histoire au temps des Plantagenêts

Collective work
This book aims to place the flourishing of enamel-work from Limousin within its historical and artistic context, and...

Andromède ou le héros à l’épreuve de la beauté

Andromède ou le héros à l’épreuve de la beauté

Collective work
The theme of Andromeda, developed in both painting and the stage during the 16th and 17th centuries, has proven to be a...
L’Égyptomanie à l’épreuve de l’archéologie

L’Égyptomanie à l’épreuve de l’archéologie

Collective work
To what extent did the birth of Egyptology in the early 19th century, followed by its recognition as an archaeological...

Byzance et les images

Byzance et les images

Collective work
In the words of André Grabar, “Byzantium saw men die for images”, a phrase that underlines the...