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Detailed description :Byzance et les images

Byzance et les images

Under the direction of Jannic  Durand, André Guillou

Contributions by André Guillou, Gordana Babic †, Robin Cormack, Anthony Cutler, Gilbert Dagron, Anna Kartsonis, Cyril Mango, Nancy Patterson-Sevcˇenko, Todor Sabev, Jean-Pierre Sodini

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In the words of André Grabar, “Byzantium saw men die for images”, a phrase that underlines the remarkable place of images in Byzantine civilization. The ties between sculpted images and imperial propaganda, the Byzantine’s attitude to ancient art, Byzantine portraits, portrayals of the emperor, donors, the personality of patrons and recipients of works, iconoclasm, and the list goes on – these are just a few of the entries from a repertoire of proposals on a subject of unfailing interest.


Conférences et colloques

Technical details

380 pages, paperback with flaps, 16 x 24 cm, 182 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Proceedings of the lectures held at the Musée du Louvre from October 5 to December 7, 1992.


Middle Ages
ISBN French2-11-003198-0
French only


La Documentation française