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Detailed description :L’Âge d’or du nocturne

L’Âge d’or du nocturne

Author(s): Jean-Claude  Boyer, Paulette  Choné, Irving  Lavin, Richard E.  Spear

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Some subjects call for night: it appears in Nativity Scenes, in many paintings from the late Middle Ages, it accompanies Constantine’s dream. Caravaggio’s creation marked the advent of another nocturnal genre that flourished in Rome, and spread to Lorraine, the Netherlands and Spain. The aesthetics and symbolism of night in the 17th century, the paintings of the Lorraine school, the relationships between the visual arts and new religious and scientific knowledge, and the study of works by Caravaggio and La Tour are just a few of the themes touched on in this book.


Art et artistes

Technical details

280 pages, paperback, 16 x 22 cm, 136 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date


Related event

Proceedings of the lectures held at the Musée du Louvre from October 3, 1997 to January 26, 1998.


17th century
ISBN French2-07-076303-X
French only

