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Detailed description :Au Louvre avec Jacqueline de Romilly et Jacques Lacarrière

Au Louvre avec Jacqueline de Romilly et Jacques Lacarrière

La Coré de Samos vers 560 avant J.-C.

Author(s): Jean-Luc  Martinez

€ 11.89 tax included

Jacqueline de Romilly, a brilliant Hellenic scholar, and writer Jacques Lacarrière contemplate a masterpiece of Ancient Greek art, the Kore of Samos statue, engaging in an intimate dialogue that will undoubtedly enrich, enliven, and ultimately change the way we look at things by the end of the book.


Au Louvre avec

Technical details

72 pages, paperback with flaps, 14 x 22 cm, 11 color and 8 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date



Ancient Greece
ISBN French2-85056-492-3
French only

