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Detailed description :Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison

Étranger chez soi

Author(s): Abd  El Haq, Juliette  Becq, D’  Kabal (de), Marc  Étienne, Élisabeth  Fontan, Marc  Gore, Félix  J, Christian  Labrande, Toni  Morrison,  Nada, Jean-Marc  Terrasse,  Yo

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“Who better than Toni Morrison, the first Afro-American Nobel prize winner, to offer a sharp, new perspective on our museum?”

Henri Loyrette.

Technical details

224 pages, paperback, 11 x 18 cm.

Publication date


Related event

This book was published in connection with the series of lectures, symposia, lectures and encounters with writers that took place in the Louvre Auditorium from 6 to November 29, 2006 in honor of Nobel laureate in literature, Toni Morrison.

ISBN French978-2-26701-864-6
French only