Musée du Louvre Editions

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Classical Antiquity, Ancient Greece and Rome

Beau comme l’Antique

Beau comme l’Antique

Collective work
Journey through the collections of the Louvre and explore the ties between modern artistic creation and ancient art....
Les Antiquités étrusques et romaines

Les Antiquités étrusques et romaines

Collective work
Featuring 45 works of art exhibited in the museum, this guide retraces the evolution of Etruscan and Roman art from its...

Les Antiquités grecques

Les Antiquités grecques

Collective work
Featuring 45 works of art exhibited in the museum’s Greek art collections, this guide retraces the evolution of...
Éclosion de l’art chrétien

Éclosion de l’art chrétien

Collective work
The Peace of the Church in 313 was responsible for the extraordinary expansion of Christian art throughout the...