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Detailed description :100 chefs-d’œuvre de la sculpture grecque au Louvre

100 chefs-d’œuvre de la sculpture grecque au Louvre

Author(s): Jean-Luc  Martinez, Alain  Pasquier

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This book features the main masterpieces from the collection of Greek sculptures at the Musée du Louvre, some of which are world renowned, like the Victory of Samothrace, Venus de Milo, Borghese Gladiator and Miletus Torso. It follows the historical progression of Greek and Roman statuary, which have been vital to the development of artistic forms since the Renaissance. Several of these works have recently undergone restoration and can thus be discovered in all their new glory.

Technical details

224 pages, paperback with flaps, 24.6 x 28 cm, 170 color illustrations.

Publication date



Ancient Greece
ISBN French978-2-75720-052-0
French only

