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Detailed description :Joseph Kosuth

Joseph Kosuth

Ni apparence ni illusion

Author(s): Marie-Laure  Bernadac, Joseph Kosuth, John Welchman

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This fall, the medieval Louvre houses an installation by American conceptual artist Joseph Kosuth. Since the mid-60s, Kosuth has focused on the connections between words and things, between language and representation, often with sentences in neon tubing. He chose to work in the moat of the medieval Louvre, writing on the ancient walls of the ramparts, the dungeon, and the Salle Saint-Louis, inviting visitors to enter this mysterious underground space.

Technical details

56 pages, 30 illustrations

Distribution: RP- Ringier

Bilingual French / English edition


This work was produced with the support of the Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte.

Publication date

ISBN French978-9-49069-303-9