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Detailed description :L'arbres des voyelles

L'arbres des voyelles

Author(s): Marie-Laure  Bernadac, Daniel Soutif, Olivier Kaeppelin

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A monograph on Giuseppe Penone's public commission for the Tuileries garden in 2000, with the support of the Centre National des Arts Plastiques.

 Giuseppe Penone, an artist of the Arte Povera movement, created this bronze cast of a 14 meter-high oak tree, which was installed after the storm of 1999. The tree's five main branches reach down to the ground, and the sculptor planted a different species of tree at each point of contact.

Technical details

68 pages, 24 x 30 cm, landscape format, 77 illustrations

Distribution: Actes Sud


Publication date

ISBN French978-2-84056-308-2
French only