Musée du Louvre Editions

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Detailed description :Du visage au portrait

Du visage au portrait

Author(s): Stéphanie  Wapler

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Anyone visiting the Louvre is bound to be drawn to all the painted, sculpted, carved and shaped faces. The images of men, women and children in their time and country, known or anonymous. Are they good likenesses? Is likeness what the art of portraiture strives to achieve? Did the people portrayed even exist? From King Gudea to Napoleon, Alexander the Great to Baldassare Castiglione, La Belle Nani to Monsieur Bertin, these thirty or so works from the Louvre give a simple history of the art of portraiture.


Chercheurs d’art

Technical details

40 pages, paperback, 15 x 18.5 cm, 61 color illustrations.

Publication date

ISBN French2-7118-3419-0
French only


Réunion des Musées Nationaux