Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Detailed description :Mon Louvre

Mon Louvre

21 œuvres à encadrer

Preface by Dominique de Font-Réaulx

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From the beguiling beauty of Da Vinci's Mona Lisa to the intimacy of Vermeer's The Lacemaker, Titian's classically exquisite Woman with a Mirror to Delacroix's vibrant and rebellious Liberty Leading the People, this selection showcases the stunning array of masterpieces from the world's most legendary museum.

Including works by artists from Caravaggio, Botticelli, and Jan van Eyck, to Arcimboldo, Georges de la Tour, and Fragonard - the prints can be easily removed, placed in a standardsize frame, and displayed in the home. Each masterpiece is explained with details about the work, the style of painting, biographical information about the artist, and a "frameable fact" that helps readers understand the context of the work in the history of art.



Technical details

Bilingual french-english edition

44 pages, paperback, detachable sheets, 24 x 30 cm

21 illustrations


Publication date

ISBN French978-2-08-024447-5
ISBN English978-2-08-020697-8


