Musée du Louvre Editions

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Detailed description :Le Tableau du mois
nos 1 à 50 (1993-1998)

Le Tableau du mois nos 1 à 50 (1993-1998)

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Every month since 1993, the Louvre has presented a painting from its collections accompanied by a text to highlight one of its specific features. These brief eye-openers draw our attention to many little discoveries and enigmas, some of which have been solved, and others that remain a mystery… They provide an opportunity for experts for talk about a work, explain it in detail, and show an artwork as a living thing by examining how it has changed over time.

Technical details

224 pages, paperback, 21 x 29.7 cm, 518 black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date

ISBN French2-901785-11-5
French only