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Detailed description :Les Arts de l'Islam au musée du Louvre

Les Arts de l'Islam au musée du Louvre

Author(s): Annabelle Collinet, Anne-Christine Daskalakis-Mathews, Carine Juvin, Sophie  Makariou, Charlotte Maury, Claire Déléry, Gwénaëlle Fellinger, Delphine Miroudot, Annick Neveux-Leclerc, Rocco Rante

Under the direction of Sophie  Makariou

€ 39.00 tax included

For the opening of the new galleries of the Department of Islamic Art, the Louvre has published a sumptuous book on the masterpieces of its collection, one of the richest and most beautiful in the world.
The book presents a chronological panorama of the history of Islamic art, with several thematic chapters devoted to calligraphy, ornament, architecture, techniques, royal commissions... Each chapter also highlights a selection of the museum's most impressive works. A final section is devoted exclusively to the art of bookmaking and illumination.
This publication coincides with the reopening of the Islamic Art galleries at the Louvre in September 2012

Technical details

50 pages

Hardcover,  24,5 x 28.5 cm

400 illustrations.


Publication date



Near eastern antiquities
ISBN French978-2-75410-619-1
ISBN English978-2-75410-636-8



