Musée du Louvre Editions

Musée du Louvre


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Detailed description :Tout le Louvre

Tout le Louvre

Author(s): Daniel  Soulié, Barthélemy Glama, Claude Pommereau

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All the Louvre in 156 pages - that is the aim of this unique guide to the world's largest museum. The history of the palace spanning over eight centuries is told in detail, punctuated with significant events and key figures. Its architecture is analyzed with supporting drawings and plans to help visitors follow and understand all of the stages of its development and decipher its facades. It also provides an exploration of art history through 140 masterpieces and accompanying notes. Last but not least, the book guides visitors through 18 remarkable places, from the Salle Saint Louis in the Medieval Louvre to the Cour Visconti, home to Islamic art, not to mention the apartments of Napoleon III.

Technical details

156 pages

paperback, 23 x 30 cm

240 illustrations


Publication date

ISBN French978-2-84278-934-3
ISBN English978-2-84278-950-3
ISBN Spanish979-1-02040-125-0
ISBN Portuguese979-1-02040-126-7
ISBN Russian979-1-02040-043-7
ISBN Chinese979-1-02040-042-0
ISBN Japanese979-1-02040-087-1

