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Detailed description :La création du monde dans l’Égypte ancienne

La création du monde dans l’Égypte ancienne

Author(s): Marie-Astrid  Calmettes

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The Ancient Egyptians imagined, understood and portrayed the world in their own way. The fauna and flora, the unique geography of the land, the Nile, its annual flooding, the two fertile strips along its banks, the surrounding desert and the animals that inhabit it are all at the origin of their beliefs and their religion.

This book presents and explains the main stories of creation and gives readers a better understanding of the spirit in which they were developed.


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Technical details

40 pages, paperback, 15 x 18.5 cm, 64 color and black-and-white illustrations.

Publication date



Pharaonic Egypt
ISBN French2-7118-4733-0
French only


Réunion des Musées Nationaux