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Detailed description :The Louvre, a Tale of a Palace

The Louvre, a Tale of a Palace

Author(s): Geneviève  Bresc-Bautier

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The Louvre? To this day, no one has provided a convincing explanation on the origin of the word. And yet the term has become synonymous with museum for all of us. A museum that eclipses the palace, in itself another museum of sculptures and paintings that retraces over eight centuries of architecture. This book explains how and why the Louvre was created, conducting a century-by-century analysis of the stages in its construction and recounting its transformations. A lively adventure, in turn brilliant and dramatic, that coincides with the history of France and, at times, with the epic of Europe.

Technical details

192 pages, hardcover with dust jacket, 23 x 30 cm, 210 color illustrations.

Publication date

ISBN French978-2-75720-176-3
ISBN English978-2-75720-177-0



