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Detailed description :Le gothique international

Le gothique international

Author(s): Inès  Villela-Petit

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Despite the Hundred Years War, the Great Schism and the king’s bouts of insanity, France at the time of Charles VI (1380-1422) was bustling with exceptional artistic activity.

The kingdom was home to some of the main centers of creation for the “International Gothic” style that prevailed in Europe (Paris, Bourges, Dijon, Papal Avignon). Themes old and new complemented one another in the profusion of forms and the echoes between architecture and sculpture, precious metalwork and painting, tapestry and stained-glass.


L’Atelier du monde

Technical details

144 pages, paperback with flaps, 14.2 x 25 cm, 100 color illustrations.

Publication date



Middle Ages
ISBN French2-85025-923-3
French only
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