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Modern world - Painting

Promenades avec Corot

Promenades avec Corot

Vincent Pomarède
Often known as “le bonhomme Corot”, a truly fitting name for the affectionate man, bon vivant and loyal...
Une vie d’artiste au XVIIe siècle : Nicolas Poussin

Une vie d’artiste au XVIIe siècle : Nicolas Poussin

Collective work
One of the greatest artists of his time, Nicolas Poussin spent virtually all of his working life in Rome, where he...

La peinture comme au théâtre

La peinture comme au théâtre

Collective work
Some of the scenes portrayed in painting are not that different from the theater. The artist arranges characters on the...
Véronèse et le miracle des Noces

Véronèse et le miracle des Noces

Jean-Marc Irollo
The Musée du Louvre’s largest painting is Venetian: The Wedding Feast at Cana by Veronese, commissioned in...

Tableaux et couleurs en France au XVIIe siècle

Tableaux et couleurs en France au XVIIe siècle

Véronique Moret-Martingay
Artists use color to express their feelings, but also to create an atmosphere or convey a character’s...
Sassetta : cinq morceaux d’un puzzle

Sassetta : cinq morceaux d’un puzzle

Dominique Thiébaut
The Italian artist Sassetta’s famous polyptych, painted in the 15th century, was originally composed of around...