Musée du Louvre Editions

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Detailed description :1001 Paintings of the Louvre

1001 Paintings of the Louvre

Author(s): Delphine  Trébosc

Under the direction of Vincent  Pomarède

€ 65.00 tax included

An exceptional anthology of over a thousand painted works at the Louvre, from Antiquity to the Modern Era. These 1,001 paintings are displayed like a splendid gallery of artworks chosen to please the eye and educate the mind, giving readers both an introductory exploration of the Louvre’s pictorial treasures as well as a souvenir of their discoveries. A beautiful reference book for a wide readership.

Technical details

590 pages, hardcover with dust jacket, 25 x 28.8 cm, 1,017 color reproductions.

Publication date

ISBN French978-8-87439-278-0
ISBN English978-8-87439-277-3
ISBN German978-3-86568-197-3

