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Detailed description :La peinture des écoles du Nord au Louvre

La peinture des écoles du Nord au Louvre

Author(s): Isabelle  Vazelle

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Flanders, Holland, the Alemannic region and Scandinavia are often grouped in art history under the general heading of the “Northern schools”. Readers are invited to explore this school of painting, with a more in-depth look at some forty artworks in particular. The suggested itinerary covers the second floor of the Richelieu and Rohan wings, offering an accurate picture of the development of Northern European painting between the late 15th and mid-19th centuries.


Chercheurs d’art

Technical details

40 pages, paperback, 15 x 18.5 cm, 37 color illustrations.

Publication date

ISBN French2-7118-4133-2
French only


Réunion des Musées Nationaux