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Detailed description :Promenades avec Corot

Promenades avec Corot

Author(s): Vincent  Pomarède

€ 7.62 tax included

Often known as “le bonhomme Corot”, a truly fitting name for the affectionate man, bon vivant and loyal friend he was, Corot painted landscapes that were so endearing and beautiful that they were copied and reproduced thousands of times. Corot’s paintings from the last century on display at the Louvre are highly revealing of the perfection of his oeuvre.


Chercheurs d’art

Technical details

40 pages, paperback, 15 x 18.5 cm, 63 color illustrations.

Publication date



18th-19th centuries
ISBN French2-7118-3411-5
French only


Réunion des Musées Nationaux