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Detailed description :The Big Picture: Paintings in Paris

The Big Picture: Paintings in Paris

Author(s): Adrien Goetz

€ 22.50 tax included

Three big Parisian museums in one book. A selection of 240 painted masterpieces grouped in series to give an unprecedented panoramic view of the wealth of the French national collections. The text, designed as an introduction to painting, compares and contrasts works from all periods and all countries. This unique tour, this imaginary exhibition, shows the masterpieces of the Louvre, Orsay and Musée national d’Art moderne at the Centre Pompidou from a new perspective.

Technical details

228 pages, paperback, 24 x 20 cm, 254 color illustrations and 232 halftone vignettes.

Publication date

ISBN French2-84426-151-5
ISBN English2-84426-152-3




Centre Georges-Pompidou